Saturday 30 June 2012

Verhuis met Katte

Kontrak is geteken en sleutels gekry. Ons trek oor minder as 4 weke na ons nuwe huisie!

Ek het in Tuis tydskrif die oulike artikel gelees.

Verhuis met katte

Katte is uiters territorial en kan ontsteld raak as hul omgewing skielik verander.
Theresa Ferreira skryf: Ek verhuis een van die dae en wil graag weet watter voorsorgmaatreëls ek kan tref om nie my twee katte te veel te ontwrig nie.
Raad uit die SA Pet-friendly Directory: Aangesien katte oor die algemeen gewoontevas is en verandering haat, moet jy alles in jou vermoë doen om die impak van die verhuising te beperk.
• Probeer om jou katte gewoond te maak aan hul mandjies deur die deurtjies oop te los en speelgoed uit die dak te hang. Sorg dat jou katte positiewe en prettige ervarings in en om die mandjies het.
• Katte is mal daaroor om in bokse te speel – paktyd kan dus speeltyd word!
• Sluit jou katte die aand voor jy verhuis in die huis toe, aangesien hulle verandering aanvoel en kan verdwyn.
• Op die dag wat jy verhuis, is dit die beste om jou katte in ’n aparte kamer te hou of hulle by ’n vriend of bure se huis toe te sluit. Anders kan jy hulle vir die dag na ’n katherberg of ’n veearts toe neem.
• Rig ’n kamer in die nuwe huis in vir jou katte en sit bekende items waaraan hul reuk is, daarin. Moenie die sandbak vergeet nie!
• Hou hulle vir minstens twee weke in die huis.
• Laat jou katte die huis geleidelik verken totdat hulle gewoond is aan die nuwe omgewing en alles uitgepak is.
• Sorg dat jou katte elkeen ’n halsbandjie met ’n skyfie het waarop jou nuwe telefoonnommer en adres verskyn. Jy kan ook vooraf vir hulle mikroskyfies laat aanbring vir ingeval hulle verdwaal.
• Gee jou katte Rescue Remedy vir die week voor en die week ná die verhuising.
• Maak vooraf seker waar die veeartse in jou nuwe area is en hou hul nommers byderhand vir ’n noodgeval.
• Moenie bekommerd wees as jou katte ’n paar (tydelike) gedragsprobleme ná die verhuising ontwikkel nie.

Thursday 28 June 2012

Yoga vs Pilate

Stretching the truth

Yoga and pilates enthusiasts tout their workouts with a religious zeal, boasting about the life-changing physical and mental benefits they confer. In the past several years, scientists have been studying what these activities really can—and can't—do for the body:

Heart Health
  • Yoga: Hatha yoga provides little cardio benefit; power yoga does a bit better, giving the heart the same aerobic workout as a brisk stroll.

  • Pilates: You may feel the burn with moves like “the hundred,” but your heart won't. A beginner routine offers only a mild aerobic challenge, at the level of a slow walk. An advanced class is better, kicking the heart rate up to that of speed walking.

Weight Loss
  • Yoga: A 50-minute hatha class will burn about 145 calories; a power yoga class, about 250. If your goal is dropping pounds, experts recommend you do a high-intensity activity, like jogging, as well (a 50-minute jog burns about 550 calories). One study found, however, that people who practiced yoga regularly gained less weight during their midlife years than their nonpracticing peers.

  • Pilates: Expect a 50-minute beginner workout to burn about 175 calories; an advanced, between 255 and 375 calories. You would probably need to do a 45- to 60-minute advanced routine at least four days a week to maintain or lose weight.
Body Strength and Flexibility
  • Yoga: In a recent study, after eight weeks of doing yoga three times a week, participants boosted their total body flexibility by an average of 24 percent. In a test of strength, they managed an average of six more push-ups and 14 more curl-ups.

  • Pilates: Bye-bye, crunches—Pilates tends to be better at strengthening the abdominal muscles, and up to 310 percent more effective at tightening the hard-to-target obliques. Overall flexibility should also improve, particularly in the back, hip, and hamstrings.
Bonus Benefits
  • Yoga: You can achieve inner peace. Yoga has been shown to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol even after one session. It can also reduce the intensity and frequency of hot flashes by 30 percent, relieves back pain better than traditional exercises, and ease arthritis.

  • Pilates: It will not lengthen your muscles, as some proponents claim. Muscles can't grow longer, but the back and abdominal strength you build, along with increased flexibility, can help improve your posture, giving the appearance of a taller, leaner body.
From the May 2007 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine

Read more:

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Stalker ;)

Tech Can Be Tempting

The rise of social networking has made the temptation to keep tabs on people even more irresistible., a new social media application, is cellphone-based and allows users to check into locations. "For those who aren't aware that they have a stalker, and therefore haven't changed their privacy settings, their location is broadcast to Facebook and Twitter for all to see," warns online communications specialist Rox Bradnick.
And "Places", a Facebook app, not only lets you check into locations, but allows friends who you're with to tag you too – so check your settings carefully unless you want the person you're avoiding to catch you off-guard.
"Info is easily available in today's digital age," says Bradnick. "If you consider how easy it is to track down old friends from school, you can see how simple it is for someone with a slightly obsessive interest to start following every last detail relating to their target," says Bradnick.
So what should you look out for, in yourself and others? Dr Rosa Bredekamp, a counselling psychologist with a special interest in forensics, says: "Stalkers tend to have weak social skills, are shy and often uncertain of themselves. And they don't see anything wrong with their behaviour." This is clear in Pumi's case. "Even though he lies to me, it's hard to leave him as we have a baby together," she says. "It's easier to just see what he's up to." And Lauren? "I am the obsessive type, but I tell myself it comes with the territory," she says.

Crossing The Line

Pumi*, a 24-year-old student from Port Elizabeth, admits to keeping tabs on her boyfriend. In Pumi's defence, he's cheated on her in the past, which explains her behaviour, but it's far from ideal. "I regularly phone his friends to check if they are with him and who else is there," she says. "If I'm in a taxi and see his car, I'll get out to find him. I don't let him see me – I just want to know who he's with."
Pumi isn't alone. According to a study in the American Journal of Psychiatry, female "stalkers" outnumber their male counterparts by four to one. What's more, the majority of these women were motivated by the desire to establish intimacy with their victim, and 95 percent already knew the person they were pursuing.
In Lauren's* case, her boyfriend moved to Cape Town; things were going well until she did a Facebook search and found her guy had a secret account. "He never mentioned that he'd joined Facebook, so my intuition told me I needed to put my detective skills to the test," says the 22-year-old journalist. She hacked into his Facebook account and says now: "I wish I'd never tampered with his account. He had listed another woman as his girlfriend!"
According to the Protection from Harassment Bill, established in February to provide increased protection for victims and potential jail time for offenders, harassment includes "directly or indirectly engaging in conduct that causes harm or the reasonable belief that harm may be caused". This could be through email, persistent calls or even following or watching someone at home or work. All of which means that repeatedly changing your plans to ensure you end up at the same bar could land you in hot water.

Tame Your Inner Stalker

Block him from your social media contacts. "This will prevent you from secretly tracking his every move – at least until you're able to resist the temptation," says Bradnick.
Get some outside perspective. If your behaviour is getting out of control (say, you drive past his office to see if he's really at that meeting), consult a professional. After all, you don't want to be branded a bunny boiler, or worse, get kitted out in an orange jumpsuit. It's not a good look for anyone – just ask Lindsay Lohan

What Qualifies As Stalking?

We asked Men's Health readers what behaviour qualifies as stalking...
66% She drives past your house to see if you're home
20% She phones you continuously
6% She asks your friends for details about you
4% She checks your Facebook page often
4% She pitches up at your local haunt

Could It Be You?

We've all done it: you're surfing the net and click over to your crush's Facebook page to check out his holiday photos, or you ask a mutual friend whether he'll be at that weekend's party and plan your night accordingly. You might even change your route home from work to see if he's really in for the night, as his status said he would be. Is this behaviour really acceptable?

Friday 15 June 2012

are you a heel or flats kind of woman

Heels Versus Flats

We live in Cape Town. The dress code here is pretty much anything goes. It's casual, laid back and encourages individuality. The only problem is, we find, that the times when it's necessary to wear heels are few and far between.
Now take Joburg. There a girl can wear seven-inch heels just to drop off a DVD and no one thinks twice. That's just one of the things that make our cities unique. The heels versus flats debate has raged since, forever. Well, at least since 1533, when a Duke's wife ordered a cobbler to make her shoes with extra height at the heel. They were soon a symbol of stature and prestige, that's where the term 'well-heeled' comes from.
Anyway, we digress. Whether you're a ballet pump girl or a Carrie Bradshaw, it seems that neither one is particularly good for your back. Experts say that a 2cm heels is ideal for your spine, but hey has there ever been an era when women haven't been willing to suffer for beauty?
There are two simple rules when it comes to wearing on-trend styles, without ruining your in-step or your back and those are wearing the right size and alternating.
Have you ever had your feet measured? Wearing the right shoe size is essential. Unfortunately there are so few places in South Africa that offer half sizes, which is endlessly frustrating but maybe next time you buy a pair of shoes ask to have your feet measured.
If you're a heels-to-the-office kind of girl then alternate the height. This season we're going to be seeing the return of the kitten heel in a big way, which is great for the non-heels wearing ladies out there. The super-high stiletto will always have its place as the sexiest shoe on the planet. However, hobbling around like Quasimodo, doubled over from the pain is never a good look. Wear them a couple of days a week and look around for a cute pair of kitten heels. Banish bunions and stay on trend.
If you're looking for some hot new shoes, check out these shoes and accessories.
By Womans Health

5 Consequences of unhealthy dieting

Unhealthy dieting can result in numerous undesirable consequences. Going on an extremely low-calorie diet that is devoid of necessary ...

5 Consequences of unhealthy dieting
5 Consequences of unhealthy dieting
Unhealthy dieting can result in numerous undesirable consequences. Going on an extremely low-calorie diet that is devoid of necessary nutrients can not only sabotage your dieting efforts in the long run, but it often results in unintended health consequences as well. Here are 5 consequences of unhealthy dieting.
1. Binge eating
Unhealthy dieting can result in feelings of deprivation. If you cut your calories excessively, eliminate all of your favourite foods and eat very little food that delivers much needed nutrition, the consequence is often a need to make up for everything you missed out on.
Binge eating is sometimes the outcome of having gone too long without necessary nutrition and calories. If you consistently skip meals when on a diet, it is possible to feel deprived and eat many more calories late at night, especially if you're unable to fall asleep from intense hunger.
2. Muscle loss
Unhealthy dieting practices that don't incorporate enough protein can lead to unwanted muscle loss. Your body needs protein to build and repair tissues, and carry out a large number of processes. When you don't consume enough protein in your diet, your body will consume its own muscle mass.
3. Fatigue and nausea
Some unhealthy dieting practices involve extreme calorie reduction. Juice fasts where you go for weeks without consuming solid foods often result in undesirable side effects. Fatigue, nausea, dizziness and headaches are common consequences of these unhealthy diets.
4. Eventual weight gain
The challenge with unhealthy diets is that they usually cannot be sustained in the long term. You may be able to survive on a short term basis on an extremely low-calorie diet, but eventually you will have to resume eating regular meals. When you go on an extreme diet, you don't have the opportunity to gradually develop habits that will sustain you in the long haul.
It is much healthier and you will see greater results in the long term if you adjust your diet gradually. Instead of cutting thousands of calories on a daily basis - find ways to cut a few hundred calories each day. Combine that with daily exercise. When your body has energy, you can be more active and exercise will develop your muscles, which helps to burn off even more calories.
5. Challenge to mental health
Unhealthy dieting is challenging for your mental health. Many people feel grumpy and irritable when they are hungry. Not getting enough calories, not having enough energy to carry out daily tasks, feeling dizzy and nauseous can all combine to push some extreme dieters into feelings of deep sadness or even depression.
The best way to avoid the consequences of unhealthy dieting is to establish healthy eating patterns. Do this gradually. Identify aspects of your diet that you want to change and work on one component at a time. Reduce calories gradually. Exercise more. Address your emotional needs. Over time, you will see the kilograms fall off and stay off in the long term.

Author : All4women

Sunday 10 June 2012

Not waving but drowning

Not Waving but Drowning

By Stevie Smith 1902–1971 Stevie Smith
Nobody heard him, the dead man,
But still he lay moaning:
I was much further out than you thought
And not waving but drowning.

Poor chap, he always loved larking
And now he’s dead
It must have been too cold for him his heart gave way,
They said.

Oh, no no no, it was too cold always
(Still the dead one lay moaning)
I was much too far out all my life
And not waving but drowning.


What is sadeness and what does it mean? Why do we feel this way? We try so hard to avoid it and yet it creeps up. We cannot fight even if we try. I will try and change for it to go away. Fear goes with sadness and that even makes it more unbearable. We cannot hide it from the world as it is part of our soul. The best in life is to love and life as though there is no tomorrow.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Fitness motivation

Motivate to Lose the Weight

The four best ways to stay steady on your weight-loss path.
by Women's Health
The four best ways to stay steady on your weight-loss path are...
1. Lift the Weight You’ve Lost
A great way to keep yourself from sliding into what-the-hell eating mode when your weight-loss plateaus: use dumbbells that correspond to the number of kilos you’ve already dropped. You can’t possibly forget how far you’ve come when you’re straining to complete three sets of triceps kickbacks with a five-kilo weight. Feel how much you’re struggling to lift? That used to be on your butt!
2. Get Gabbing
Reams of studies prove that support from other people can keep you motivated to lose weight. And a new study from the University of Kansas shows that dieters who get counselling over the phone lose just as much as those who get it face to face. So if you can’t make that 5pm Weight Watchers meeting, get on the phone to someone who will motivate you.
3. Call on Your Inner Cheapskate
You don’t blow off the dentist, even though having your teeth drilled is about the most un-fun thing you can imagine. Why? Because you’ll get charged whether you show or not. Consider buying a package of personal training sessions and scheduling all your appointments now. Ditto with yoga or dance classes: buy a bunch in advance and sign up at the same time. Who would throw away workouts that are already paid for?
4. Become a Class Regular
Join a group exercise class and make friends with your fellow regulars. Seeing your pals will inspire you to attend even when you feel like playing hooky. The guilt factor – always highly motivating – can help here too. After all, in a place where everybody knows your name, they’ll also know when you’ve missed a workout.
Last updated: Thu, 2009-11-12 09:39