Friday 26 October 2012

Apple pie made easy

I made an apple pie about three days ago. very easy and very delicious.

1 packet of puff pastry.
3 green apples
1 small lemon
1 teaspoon cinnimon
3 table spoons appricot jam
1 8cm deep tart pan
1 egg


Oven on 180 degrees
Peel the apples and slice in thin slices
Soak the apples in warm water, 2 teaspoons of castor sugar
Roll out the puff pastry on little bit of icing sugar. Then line the pan with the puff pastry
place the apples on the puff pastry.
Squeeze the lemon on the apples
Place the in the oven for 20 min
Take out and cool down for 10 min.
while cooling down, mix the cinnimon and the jam together with little bit of water
top the apples with the cinnimon and jam mixture evenly
Use the left over puff pastry to cover and brush one egg over the puff pastry
Place back in the oven for 25-30 min

Take out and enjoy with cream or ice cream.

Very easy to follow and remember to not use to much water as this could make the pie fall apart. If not sure dont add the water.

Hope you enjoy the recipe =)

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