Tuesday 27 March 2012

I have tried different cupcake recipes and I found that one recipe gives me moist cupcakes. I then went to decorate the cupcakes. Fisrt attempt the cookie monster....

well this is how my cookie monsters turned out... Next step is my birthday cake... Hopefully they would look better :)

Thursday 22 March 2012

Cupcake challenge. This is my challenge to make these cupcakes for a birthday party. Will post the end results.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Motivate to Lose the Weight

The four best ways to stay steady on your weight-loss path.
by Women's Health
The four best ways to stay steady on your weight-loss path are...
1. Lift the Weight You’ve Lost
A great way to keep yourself from sliding into what-the-hell eating mode when your weight-loss plateaus: use dumbbells that correspond to the number of kilos you’ve already dropped. You can’t possibly forget how far you’ve come when you’re straining to complete three sets of triceps kickbacks with a five-kilo weight. Feel how much you’re struggling to lift? That used to be on your butt!
2. Get Gabbing
Reams of studies prove that support from other people can keep you motivated to lose weight. And a new study from the University of Kansas shows that dieters who get counselling over the phone lose just as much as those who get it face to face. So if you can’t make that 5pm Weight Watchers meeting, get on the phone to someone who will motivate you.
3. Call on Your Inner Cheapskate
You don’t blow off the dentist, even though having your teeth drilled is about the most un-fun thing you can imagine. Why? Because you’ll get charged whether you show or not. Consider buying a package of personal training sessions and scheduling all your appointments now. Ditto with yoga or dance classes: buy a bunch in advance and sign up at the same time. Who would throw away workouts that are already paid for?
4. Become a Class Regular
Join a group exercise class and make friends with your fellow regulars. Seeing your pals will inspire you to attend even when you feel like playing hooky. The guilt factor – always highly motivating – can help here too. After all, in a place where everybody knows your name, they’ll also know when you’ve missed a workout.

(Woman's Health SA, 2012)

Challenge 2

I have started my second challenge which will be the art of decorating cakes and cupcakes. Getting the right recipe for the perfect moist cupcake as well as the perfect mix for butter icing and plastic icing. I have bought an incing decorating tool last week in which my challenge has started. People always say that not everyone can do this but I am here to proof them wrong. If you out your heart on something it can be done. So I will leave my findings here for you to try. Hope you enjoy the journey with me  :)

Tuesday 20 March 2012

I have found in Womans health a  DIY boot camp that you can do in the comfort of your own home.

a boot-camp workout you can do yourself

DIY Boot-Camp Workout

Do this at home!
Obliterate kilojoules and transform your entire body with this boot camp...
Jog for two to three minutes to warm up, then start with the first exercise in Round 1. Do as many reps as you can in 30 seconds, rest 10 seconds, then continue until you've completed each exercise for 30 seconds in the order shown. Rest for a minute, then do the exercises in Round 2. Rest for another minute, then repeat the entire sequence so you've completed two sets of each round.
Round 1
With feet hip-width apart, bend your knees to 90 degrees, keeping your chest upright. Return to standing.
Place hands wider than shoulder-width apart and lower your chest to the floor.
Bicycle Crunches
Lie on your back, hands clasped behind your neck. Bring your right elbow toward your left knee while straightening your right leg, raised about 15 centimetres above the floor. Alternate sides.
Jumping Jacks
Raise your arms out to the sides and above your head; at the same time, jump up and spread your feet wide. Reverse and repeat.
Back Extensions
Lie face-down with your arms at your sides and slowly raise your head, shoulders, and chest off the floor.

Round 2
Walking Lunges
Step forward with your right leg and bend your knees to 90 degrees. Move forward as you alternate legs.
Squat Jumps
Do a squat, then jump as high as you can while throwing your arms up into the air, landing softly right into another squat.
Close-Grip Push-Up
Place hands side by side, thumbs touching, and lower your chest to the floor.

Standing High-Knees
Jog in place, quickly alternating bringing your knees up toward your chest.
Mountain Climbers
From a push-up position, quickly alternate bringing your knees toward your chest.

(Womans Health SA 2012)
For the next 5 months I am challenging myself to get fit and healthy and to stay fit and healthy after that. This will be my diary for the next 5 months where I will give tips and ideas on how  I am getting fit and healthy and if anyone wants to join, please do. Today is the first step on going to the gym, healting healthy and no more snacks, coke or wine. Please read the 5 reasons to get on the treadmill.

reasons to run on the treadmill

5 Reasons To Hit The Treadmill

The treadmill may be boring but there are good reasons to use it.

Preserve Your Vision

People who ran two to four kilometres a day had a 19 percent lower risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, while those who ran more cut their chance by 42 to 54 percent, according to a study published in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. Vigorous activity may also decrease the risk of developing cataracts.

Overcome Cravings

The next time you hear a chocolate bar calling your name, try taking a hike. In one recent study published in the journal Appetite, subjects who took a brisk 15-minute walk decreased their cravings for chocolate by 12 percent. Just be sure to choose a route away from the vending machine.

Reduce Your Risk Of Breast Cancer

Women who did either moderate exercise for 2.5 hours or vigorous activity for 75 minutes a week reduced their chance of dying from breast cancer by a third, according to a study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. Women who did about twice as much cardio lowered their risk by 55 percent.

Quit Smoking

Research shows that 10- to 15-minute sessions of aerobic exercise trigger changes within the brain that help defuse nicotine cravings in smokers. What’s more, a separate study found that cardio activity can also make smoking-related images less likely to grab a smoker’s attention.

Lose Weight

Obvious, right? A study in the journal Obesity found that just 80 minutes of cardio a week slowed weight gain and stopped participants from gaining visceral fat (the dangerous kind in the stomach area, which has been linked to diabetes and cardiovascular disease) a year after weight loss.

(Womans Health SA 2012)

Monday 19 March 2012

Please join me in becoming healthy and fit. Hope this blog will inspire you to join in living healthy everyday. This is a place of new ideas and new lifestyle unfolding. Enjoy :)