Sunday 1 March 2015

How a Person with Bipolar Thinks

This is an interesting question: how does a person with bipolar disorder think? Of course, it’s hard for me to compare it with your average person as I have bipolar. I don’t have the two thought processes in my one brain to compare.
Nevertheless, I do have some ideas on how people with bipolar disorder think that seem to stand out amongst the “normals.”

Obsessive Bipolar Thoughts

Your average person may have obsessive thoughts, now and then, I don’t know, but what I do know is thatpeople with bipolar disorder have obsessive thoughts a lot of the time. These obsessive bipolar thoughts may be a repeating song from the radio, scenarios (such as a suicide scene) or a replaying of events (often negative ones) but obsessive thoughts seem to be the rule rather than the exception.
Note that research bears this out indicating that people with bipolar disorder have higher rates of obsessive-compulsive disorder than the average population.

Extreme Bipolar Thoughts

How Does a Bipolar Person Think?It seems to me that simply by the virtue of extreme emotional experience, people with bipolar disorder think in the extreme quite frequently. Everything feels like the end of the world (catastrophizing). We’re not upset, we’re depressed. We’re not suspicious, we’re paranoid. We’re not happy, we’re elated. And of course there are all the thoughts that go along with these things. If our boyfriend looks at another girl hemust be cheating. If we have a disagreement with a friend they musthate use. If we’re criticized at work we must be getting fired. It’s not that we don’t necessarily understand these things aren’t reasonable; it’s just that we can’t help the way our brain thinks, the way it leaps.
Not everyone jumps to the extremes, but people with bipolar seem to have that tendency.

Anxious Bipolar Thoughts

Of course, because people with bipolar have jumped to the extremes – usually negative ones – we sure the heck worry about it once we get there. Worried and anxious bipolar thoughts are very common and what’s worse is that seeing as we also obsess, we tend to obsessively worry or feel obsessively anxious.

Distracted Bipolar Thoughts

And then there are all the distracted-, multi-tasking-type thoughts. People with bipolar disorder have higher rates of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and regardless as to whether you have ADHD, people with bipolar disorder tend to think in ADHD-type ways. We tend to multi-task compulsively. We tend to get distracted. We tend to run away with our thoughts.

Overreaction to Bipolar Thoughts

It’s not very surprising that due to all these odd thoughts, due to all the extreme, obsessive and distracting thoughts that we overreact to situations. If your brain automatically goes to a catastrophe situation and then becomes obsessed with it, it’s really tough to have a moderate response – even when it’s a moderate situation.
I’m sure this frustrates the people around us to no end, but I have to say, it frustrates me considerably more.
People with bipolar disorder are constantly trying to figure out what a “normal” and “reasonable” thought process and reaction would be in any given situation. We’re constantly trying to overcome how our bipolar brain naturally thinks in order to have healthy interactions and healthy relationships. We’re constantly trying to deal with the extremeness of our thoughts internally so we don’t thrust them on the external world.
And this is beyond difficult. Trying to defeat the way a bipolar brain thinks is near-on impossible. Dealing with bipolar thoughts is a full-time gig and an exhausting one at that. But it is important. Because if we don’t moderate our own thoughts and deal with them appropriately, we can’t hope to have healthy relationships with others. And if that happens then all those pesky catastrophes we worried needlessly about will have come true.June 26, 2013  Natasha Tracy

Friday 30 August 2013

How to be a classic beauty

Audrey Hepburn, Vivien Leigh, Grace Kelly, Ingrid Bergman, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis – all these women were classic beauties. They all understood that the key to classic beauty is to keep it simple and that less is definitely more!

Would you like to be a classic beauty?  If so, read on …

1.  Wear classic clothes and accessories
Classic women never wear trendy clothes. They wear classic pieces such as a simple black dress with a striking accessory, aviator glasses, a colourful real silk scarf or a simple set of pearls.
Think of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis's famous over-sized sunglasses and timeless suits. You don't have to go back to the nineteen-fifties, but expand your wardrobe when possible, and learn to have your own sophisticated style.

2.  Keep makeup to a minimum
A little foundation, subtle lip-gloss and a hint of mascara can go a very long way. Learn how to make the most of your best features.

3.  Respect your hair's natural texture
Always aim for a shiny and healthy hairstyle. Consult a hairdresser for an opinion on what hairstyle will best suit your face and the easiest way to maintain your hair. Again, classic beauties wear classic- rather than trendy hairstyles.

4.  Have good personal hygiene
Keep fingernails, toenails, hands and feet in general looking well groomed and cared for. Maintain good body hygiene.

5.  Be positive, happy and confident
Classic beauties have positive attitudes. They are confident, even when experiencing problems. A classic beauty is always reserved, calm and in control.

6.  Know what you're talking about
Intelligence is key. Brush up on as many subjects as possible and keep abreast of international news.

7.  Wear black
Black is something classic beauties always wear. All you need to do is accentuate the simplicity of black with suitable accessories.

8.  Match classic colours to complexion and eyes
Find the classic colours that work best with your complexion and eye colour. For example:
  • Blue eyes: Orange (complementary), dark blue, dark purple, light green, grey, white, black, turquoise, blue-purple, dark red. Colours to avoid: bright red, lime green, hot pink, brown, baby blue, any tints (colours visibly mixed with white)
  • Brown eyes: Any pink, charcoal, any very dark colour, yellow, green. Colours to avoid: none.
  • Green eyes: Purple, dark red, dark blue, black, brown, off-white. Colours to avoid: grey, yellow, bright red, bright white, orange, green.
  • Black eyes: Any colour.
  • Ruddy: blue-toned/pink after exertion/freckled skin: Blue, purple, green, and all the colours in between, red-purple, black, grey. Colours to avoid: yellows, reds and white. Wear dark orange or red-orange at your discretion.
  • Sallow: yellow toned/tanning rather than freckling skin: Any warm or neutral colours. Avoid yellow, but golds can look nice.
  • African heritage or darker complexion: You can wear almost any colour. Golds are especially beautiful, though.
  • Red hair: Golds, beiges, corals, purples, very dark or light greens (just avoid the ‘Christmas green colour), dark blues.
9.  Ditch the idea of tattoos and body piercings
Classic beauties don’t do tattoos and body piercings. Find other ways to show self-expression such as creating works of art, writing or poetry. Consider taking up an enriching hobby such as pottery, calligraphy, or photography, etc.


Thursday 25 July 2013

How to Deal with your boyfriend's Ex-Girlfriend who won't leave him alone

How to Deal With Your Boyfriend's Ex-Girlfriend Who Won't Leave Him Alone

How to Deal With Your Boyfriend's Ex-Girlfriend Who Won't Leave Him Alone thumbnail
If his ex still has his ear, make some moves to stop her.
When you are dating someone, his ex has no place in the picture. If your boyfriend's old girlfriend keeps coming around, you have a right to speak up and, if you can, put a stop to it. Avoid any heated confrontations with her, but take charge and let it be known that you don't put up with an ex in the picture. You don't have to ever lose your cool.


    • 1
      Make sure you and your boyfriend are on the same page. Tell him you want to understand his feelings about the situation, and you want him to know how you feel. Open up communication about the ex-girlfriend, and you can actually strengthen your relationship with your boyfriend. By communicating instead of confronting, you can find comfort in knowing how your boyfriend feels about you and showing him that you want to hear his feelings on the subject of his ex. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to let him know the situation is bothering you.
    • 2
      Examine yourself. You may have jealousy issues because of a history of being cheated on. That doesn't mean your feelings about the presence of the ex-girlfriend are not legitimate, but it may help you to cool down a bit and realize you bring some issues to the table. Taking a position with your boyfriend that you take responsibility for your own feelings can go a long way for helping him feel like you are not attacking him.
    • 3
      Ask him to change his cell phone number. Your boyfriend can let all his friends know his new number, and he can advise them not to give it to the ex. She can't call or text if she doesn't know his number. If he refuses, it might be an indication that the previous relationship isn't finished.
    • 4
      Ask your boyfriend to block her email address from his address book. Most email programs have a blocking feature. This will prevent her from getting hold of him online. If he can't block her, persuade him to get a new email address.
    • 5
      Ask him to eliminate her as a friend on social networking sites. Your boyfriend can block her as a friend or any other kind of contact on his social networking pages, and she won't be able to snoop on him and write to him there.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

I know I have been very quiet in last month or two. Been very busy. I found this article and I will be trying this out. I have a love of my life that I would like to make last forever <3

Hope you guys enjoy the article as much as I did.

Love lessons – how to make it last

When you fall in love, everything is ‘magical’. The first six months of any relationship is known as the honeymoon stage. If you can get past the honeymoon stage and still love him, even when he leaves dirty socks next to the bed and forgets to replace the toilet roll holder, things will be fine!
You don’t need to go on romantic dinner dates daily to keep the romance alive in any relationship. Always remember, it’s the small things that matter.
Here are some tips on keeping the love alive in your relationship:
Every day:
Take time to say “I love you” and mean it
Cuddle with each other
Kiss him long and slow, tingles and butterflies in your tummy are guaranteed
Talk to each other for half-an-hour about anything and everything
Be affectionate towards each other - don’t underestimate the power of touch
Laugh together, this can soothe a stressful day
Make each other a cup of tea or coffee first thing every morning.
Take turns making each other breakfast or even supper - create romance in your own home
Every week :
Try a gesture that will make your partner’s heart flutter - anything small that will let them know you are thinking about them. You don’t have to break the budget, just be thoughtful
Ask how the other is and listen to the answer
Make love. The passionate ‘stare-into-my-eyes-and-tell-me-you-want-me’ kind
Get sweaty with him during a tough workout
Argue. Mildly. Get your feelings out into the open, raise your concerns and your annoyances. Then make up
Spend an hour or five apart, doing something you love. Make sure you always have some ‘me time’
Sit in silence together for a while in some place you both love. Don’t say a word, just enjoy the moment
Every month:
Have a date night. Get ready in separate rooms or places, put in a big effort and enjoy the reaction you’ll give each other
Watch the sunrise together, or even the sunset
Dance and party a night away, even if it’s at home!
Bring up a personal joke from way back
Clean the house together, this can be quicker and so much fun
Try a new activity together like bungee jumping or volunteering for charity work
Every year
Celebrate anniversaries in a big way. When you think about all the relationships that don’t make it, you will realise that another year is a big achievement
Be creative in your intimate life, try making love in different rooms in your home, the pool and even the garden. Just make sure you keep it all private!
Write your partner a letter. Keep it a secret, pop it in the mail and watch his face light up when he reads it. Many years of love letters make a pretty romantic love story
Go on holiday together© EpicStockMedia -
You could even go on holiday without each other. Yes, this sounds crazy, but when you are apart you will miss each other and realise how much you cherish special times together
Once in a lifetime
Make it through a major relationship obstacle
Go on an overseas trip. Take time to save up for this and decide to go when you are both financially able to
Invest in something like property or shares
Get lost in another country or city, it will be terrifying at first, but you will soon discover the romance in getting lost
Become parents - if kids are not for you, adopt or buy a pet
Celebrate your time together. Get married or have a big anniversary party

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Baked Cheese Cake

1/2 to 1 packet of Tennis Biscuits crushed
60-100ml butter melted
2 x 230g cream cheese
10ml custard powder
2 eggs
125ml sugar
125ml cream
30ml lemon juice
5ml vanilla essence
pinch of salt

Oven 180 degrees
Layer the crushed tennis biscuits in an oven bowl of 22-25cm
Through melted butter ovee the crushed biscuits ( Do not mix together)
Mix the cream cheese, custard powder, sugar, salt, cream, lemon juice, vanilla essence and eggs together. 
Scoop the mixture over the Tennis biscuits
Bake for 35min .

Monday 6 May 2013

Protein Pancakes

Hallo All.

It has been a while since the last post. We have been on  a strict diet. I have found this very good healthy pancakes recipe.

Please try and enjoy :)

1 Egg
2 Egg whites
50g white plain yogurt
40g protein shake in any flavour


Beat everything together.
Put a little in a pan with little olive oil

Enjoy with some yogurt and fruit.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Cheese Stuffed Pasta


8-10 pieces jumbo pasta shells
1/2 tsp Salt for the pasta water
650g Ricotta cheese or part skim ricotta cheese
450g Mozzerella, diced (divided in half)
1/2 cup grated Parmigiano- Reggiano
1/2 cup  Shredded Asiago
1/4 cup Chopped flat-leaf parsley


2 Tbs extra-virgin olive oil
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 Small onion, finely chopped
2 Cans crushed tomatoes
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
5 Leaves fresh basil, torn or shredded


Preheat oven to 200C
Bring large pot to boil. Salt water and add pasta. Cook shells for about 12 minutes, they should be softened but still under cooked at the center. Drain pasta and cool it down.

Combine Ricotta, half of the diced mozzarella, a couple of handfuls of Parmigiano and Asiago. Add parsley to the cheese and stir to combine.

To a small sauce-pot over moderate heat add oil, garlic and onions. Saute onions and garlic for 5 minutes. Add tomatoes and seasons the sauce with salt and pepper. Simmer the sauce for 5 minutes and stir in basil leaves.

Pour a little sauce into the bottom of a shallow medium sized casserole dish. Fill shells with rounded spoonfuls of cheese mixture and arrange them seam side down in casserole dish.

Top shells with remaining sauce and remaining mozzarella and Asiago cheese. Place shells in hot oven and cook 8 minutes to melt cheese and bubble sauce.

Serves 4-5

Enjoy =)